
A poem to go by..

Smita Sinha
1 min readOct 30, 2021

What comes to the surface has to go down once in a while.

Without knowing the consequences, people still choose this path.

They go on forever without any care in the world. Only to stop when they die.

Streets, buses, and hotels are all over the place, we find people with varied interests.

What goes down has to come to the surface.

What is created needs to be destroyed so that future can be sustained.So better things can come to the surface.

Some dreams appear and some may disappear.

The cycle goes on and on as long as it’s not distrupted.

Somethings are created and destroyed to restore the balance of Energies on earth.

What goes down has to come and rise to the surface.

What comes to the surface has to go down once in a while.



Smita Sinha

Writer | Storyteller | Habits |Productivity| Lessons of life | short stories |Poems |