
How To Make 2023 The Best Year Of Your Life By Taking Actionable Steps

Smita Sinha
5 min readJan 6, 2023

Make 2023 the best year

Source : unsplash

This is the start of 2023, you don’t want to repeat the same mistakes you did in the previous year. If you haven’t started the goals of this year .Then you can start by just reading this article.This will help you tweak something on your life. That needs certain changes in your life .

1. Set Policy To govern Your life

By policy I mean you can set ideas around which you want this year to revolve around. If you have idea around what you want to do and why it’s important to you because you want to make this year a little different then previous year.

2. No Gaps Days

No gap days here revolves around the idea that you won’t take any gaps or days off . No gap days are the best days you can put in schedule. You do it because you have to do it otherwise it won’t be any different from previous year.

3. Work Even If Your Tired

Do the work when least expected it.

Work even if you are tired or you don’t have any motivation left in you. Always do the work even if you have low energy. See, goals are non living objects that needs to be completed with or without your energy levels involved. Its need to be completed whether you like it or not.So instead of making reasons of not doing any work.Make it a habit to it despite all the problems that might come with it.When you choose a goal , you are also choosing it’s struggles, pain points and problems that may not be in your favour. But you still do it to complete because it’s what you decided to do in the first place.

Always remember, you do the work when situation are unfavourable to your current situation.

4. Block Your Year

Every year, you decide to do things but you fall behind after you see you are no where near your targeted goals. Blocking your year helps in working on agendas that always needs attention.

Set your eyes on 3 major goals and 2 minor goals . This way you’ll deviate between these two goals.

Since I am prefer bullet journals generally write stuff in my journals.You could do the same if you are an analogue person.

5. Set Your Eyes On One Goal

Don’t be to far from chasing your goals. Always be in contact with your goals. You should develop goals only when you are working on the goal for a 4 weeks without the goals being forced on you. It will be natural to you and it won’t be forceful to you. So you can actually completely your goals without any delay.When you set your eyes on one goal always see its end.Don’t leave it in the middle even if you had inconsistency or you were not chasing the goals.

Multiple goals Needs tracking

Chasing multiple goals and not making tracking them is a big no. You must avoid it any cost.

6. Set Reminders

Humans are forgetful creatures.They need to be reminder of their goals, desires,and feelings attached to the goals and fears that you’ll encounter if you don’t complete your goals. Note down your goal, beside them on platforms you regularly use.

It could be notion, google keeps and a journal.

Setting Up Associated Memory is a way to go while setting reminders.

Note your mind needs reminders not your eyes. As your mind needs to be reminded of the feelings attached to the goals, fears and anticipation that you might had with them. It builds associative reminder. This will help you act on your goals.

7. Don’t Set On New Goals

Don’t set new goals if your old goals are not done .

Instead Work on Your Previous Years Goals

Instead of working on new goals you should complete previous years goals.So that you can strike off the goals of previous year.Its would make you feel like you have been working for two years to complete a goal. You haven’t changed or dropped your goal just yet without seeing your goals end.

8.Don’t Repeat Previous years Mistakes

Don’t Repeat Previous year mistakes in this year. Otherwise, it won’t be any different from previous year. Most of you make these mistakes and don’t change your lifestyles, food habits, mistakes, fake expectations.Due to which you lag behind in the goal area. Always be in the habits of setting agendas to do any work.

Setting goals

You should know setting a goal is a mixture of consistency and perseverance, task completion, being on time, habits , system to do any work, and compounding effects at play.Without them goals can’t be completed.

9. Declutter Habits That Weigh You Down

Declutter Habits that weigh you down.Decrease their tendency so you don’t have to put up with them.The more you see them there are chances you can repeat them in future. Don’t repeat them if you don’t want them in your life ever again.Even one Repeatition of these bad habits can put your back to 5 years behind.And you wouldn’t want them to bug you out . Would you? Repeating them will only stress you out. Repeat the good habits .They will bring you Good results.

Have A Boundary Habits

Boundary habits are those habits that stop you from repeating bad habits. They also stop you from moving towards bad habits.They are work only when you inclined towards bad habits. It would be better if you could adopt them in your habits. They are the best things that I have encountered so far.

Its like when eat sugar too much you are reminded of the fact that you can get diabetes.

A systematic life is the way forward

Your Life is always build around a schedule, routines, system, consistency and compounding effects, Repeatition. You cannot leave them and they can’t leave you out.

These steps you can take to make 2023 the best year without repeating your default versions.

Hope, you had a fun time reading it. Comment below, if you would like to add anything to the article.



Smita Sinha

Writer | Storyteller | Habits |Productivity| Lessons of life | short stories |Poems |