Build Characters in Your Story That Solves A Problem

Creating a story without a character makes a story bland.

Smita Sinha
3 min readFeb 17, 2023
Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

Every story needs a character. But it doesn’t mean that doesn’t mean that all of them have to be filled with Characters.

You can build a character from a scratch who is going through an ordeal or who doesn’t have a problem with anything. He can simply be himself. Tell about random stuff and that 's a story for you! I like creating characters that have some backstoy in them.

You need a story that creates a visual imagery in your minds. Words have a huge power in Them. Even smaller words can impact the story.Every story is a build up various layers that the character goes through. It inevitable how the story will unfold and how the reader would interpret the story in their own way.

I like stories that can create and awake emotions in people.

The real backbone of a story are it’s readers. Every story is a worthwhile when it’s get picked up a reader. The interpretation of readers make the characters and story come live in true form.

Make Characters That Have A Problem

When you start a story you need a plot to continue a story line. The characters come forward one by one and side characters can lift the main characters by putting more emphasis on the main characters problem. The readers through the characters eyes develops a the ability to solve a problem.

The reader goes through various phases as the characters continues his journey. You can spot three phases in them.

The Unaware or the lost souls

These Unaware character who don’t even know their own goals ,needs or wants. They get manipulated easily. Hence we they go on a full transformational journey as characters in the story.

The Aware Ones

The Aware Ones are the ones who know what they want in their life , know their goals ,wants and needs in check. They can never be manipulated or influenced by anyone else. They know what their problems are as characters and as human beings.

It’s great to build Characters and stories around them as they know what they want. Only the background and stories need to be kept in mind. To form the full Stories in mind.

The first thing you should ask your self as to what kind of genre you want to build a story on .

1.What kind of Genre The Story Should Have ?

Is is fantacy or fictional or supernatural elements with a sad layers . I go for sad ones with a fantasy and historical elements in them. They are great considering the story relavancy the readers might develop on their Journey.

So let’s say you have a character who is all sad as he can’t achieve his goal.With him being in the morden world with an office setting where he is under great pressure to complete deadlines as his job is one the line.

So, we have 3 layers here :-

A sad character who can’t achieve his goals.

A modern world .

An office setting.

A Situation where the character is in tremendous pressure for completing deadlines. Other wise,he would loose the job.

Can you build a story around your characters ? If you can then that’s great ! If you can’t then read these blogs as you learn to build Characters with me.

stories are build by you and lived through you.



Smita Sinha

Writer | Storyteller | Habits |Productivity| Lessons of life | short stories |Poems |